

目的 (Objective)


To verify the product design quality and reliability are meet product specification and customer requirements.


 2 範圍 (Scope)


 LCD Monitor series.


 3 權責 (Responsibility)

   3.1 DQA: 負責DVT/PVT之規劃,執行及問題點之追蹤。

      DQA: In charge of layout and implementation of DVT/PVT and problem tracing.

   3.2工程部: 負責提供DVT之樣品及解決DVT/PVT所發現之問題。

      Engineering Department: In charge of offering DVT sample and solve the problem that was found in DVT/PVT.

   3.3生產部: 負責提供PVT之樣品。

      Production Department: In charge of offering PVT sample.


 4 定義 (Definition)

4.1 EVT (A-Test): Engineering Verification Test    工程驗測試

4.2 DVT (B-Test): Design Verification Test         設計驗測試

   4.3 PVT (C-Test): Production Verification Test      制程驗

   4.4 ECN: Engineering Change Notice             工程變更通知

   4.5 MP: Mass Production                        量產


 5 作業內容:

5.1 測試項目 (Test item)